Our clients
We have worked with charities and social enterprises ranging from 1,300 staff to 5 and many in between, across Australia, the UK and Europe. Here’s a snapshot of some of the projects we’ve worked with.
Asylum seekers and refugees
Oxfam, UK
Scoping a strategic response to the European migration crisis.
Mazi Maz, London
Organisation review, strategic planning, and scaling plan for Mazi Mas, a UK social enterprise providing training for migrant women to start their own catering business.
Baptcare, Victoria & Tasmania
Business planning for the expansion of asylum seeker reception housing project for Baptcare, a $130M Australian charity supporting asylum seekers, people with a disability, families, children and older people.
Fairly Square, London
Strategic business review and growth options advice for Fairly Square, a social enterprise fair trade café in London.
Caritas St Joseph’s, UK
Scoping, fundraising and implementation of a new social enterprise for Caritas St Joseph’s, a UK charity supporting people with intellectual disabilities.
Cerebral Palsy Africa, Africa (London office)
Strategic business development, social enterprise development and income generation for Cerebral Palsy Africa, a charity using paper-based technology to provide assistive equipment to African children.
Larches Trust, London
Social enterprise development, organisation review, strategic planning, business plan and financial modelling for Larches Trust, a UK charity supporting disabled people to be independent members of their community.
Westgate Community Initiatives Group, Melbourne
Strategic business advice and review of five social enterprises operated by Westgate Community Initiatives Group in Melbourne providing employment pathways and opportunities for people living with a disability.
General social enterprise and poverty reduction
Oxfam, UK
Developing and implementing an anti-poverty strategy for London for Oxfam GB.
Caritas, UK
Scoping of a social enterprise strategy for Caritas, a UK charity providing services to people with disabilities, people with hearing loss and women escaping human trafficking. Development of SEIDs (social enterprise ideas development), a new family of social enterprises including a social enterprise hub for marginalised people with a social enterprise idea.
Social Traders, Australia
Due diligence review of applications to the Western Australian Social Enterprise Fund for Social Traders, Australia’s social enterprise peak body.
Baptcare, Victoria & Tasmania
Strategic advice and concept formation of a social enterprise strategy for Baptcare, a $130M Australian charity supporting asylum seekers, people with a disability, families, children and older people.
Environmental sustainability
Green Collect, Melbourne
Business advice and financial and governance review of Green Collect, a Melbourne-based charitable social enterprise providing up-cycling and retail shops staffed by disabled people.
Early years education
Tengeru Village School, Tanzania
Strategic planning, marketing and volunteer management for Tengeru Village School, a grassroots charity, focussed on breaking the cycle of poverty through early years education and health care. Read more about how we are supporting the project.
Affordable housing
Centacare, Victoria
Strategic business advice, scoping and business planning for a proposed $9 million social/affordable housing project for people experiencing housing stress and potential homelessness run by Centacare Ballarat & Centacare Housing Services Ballarat in Australia.
Young people and early school-leavers
United Way, Australia
Research and development of a community impact strategy including focused conversations with local residents and organisations providing services in the area, along with a Search for Solutions Seminar that brought together participants from local government, church, Rotary, community service organisations and local residents to collaboratively focus on solutions that would collectively provide new opportunities for those living with a variety of challenges in the region. The project was delivered with United Way, a NGO in Melbourne.
LGBTI community
Baptcare, Victoria & Tasmania
Preparation of practical initiatives and internal culture changes in response to the Federal Government’s National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) Ageing and Aged Care Strategy for Baptcare, a $130M Australian charity supporting asylum seekers, people with a disability, families, children and older people.
Baptist Care Australia, Australia
Preparation of 10 policy position papers including taxation reform, asylum seekers, mental health care, food security and the ever increasing requirement of user-pays ideology in Western society, for Baptist Care Australia, the peak body for Baptist welfare services across Australia.
University education
Goldsmiths University, London
Guest lecturing for the Masters in Social Enterprise at Goldsmith University London on collective impact and the politics of social enterprise.
Whitley College University of Melbourne, Melbourne
We wrote and delivered a new course on community development and engagement models, social innovation and community organizing. It was the first of its kind to be offered at Whitley College University of Melbourne and led to a range of new local community projects generating positive social change.