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Disruptive Dragonfly Ed 01

Disruptive Dragonfly is our newsletter . . .
. . . a selection of articles, books and websites
from around the world
offering insights and critical reflection
that disrupt and
engage for change

Mammon’s Kingdom: An Essay on Britain

This could easily be an essay on Australia . . . if you don’t want to read the whole book check out The Guardian review.


Disrupt Magazine

Creatively destroying what doesn’t serve humanity. Check them out here.


The Pale Blue Dot

‘ . . . our posturing, our imagined self importance, the delusion we have some privileged position in the  universe are all challenged by this point of pale light’.’
Watch and feel the power of this humbling and challenging scientific insight from the Sagan Series.


Social Renaissance

Social Renaissance defines a process aimed at spreading awareness about the growing weight of the “marginalities”, through innovative impact-driven models that combine new technologies and humanities, entrepreneurial approach and civic engagement. Check out the new movement.


Public services as products?

Even the staunchest opponents of neoliberalism have been infected by its presumptions: Humphrey McQueen on why healthcare is not a product despite what neoliberalism has taught us.


From Eureka Street

Abbot and Hockey more Prince John than Robin Hood







And finally a word from the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche

‘Later generations will be greatly disgusted, when they look back at a period ruled by shadow men projected on the screen of public opinion. To some far posterity our age may well be one of the darkest of history, the most unknown because the least human.’ (Schopenhauer as Educator, 1874).



View the Disruptive Dragonfly PDF in our publications section.

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