What comes after Africa?
We’ve left Africa and are now back in ‘civilization’. Being here raises the question – how do you live back in Western society after you’ve lived for a short time in Africa? Read more
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We’ve left Africa and are now back in ‘civilization’. Being here raises the question – how do you live back in Western society after you’ve lived for a short time in Africa? Read more
If there is one thing we’ve learnt in Tanzania, it’s that dealing with poverty in Africa is complicated. We arrived full of energy and passion, ready to contribute and make a difference. But the more you learn and experience, the more you realise that it’s going to take a lot more than that. Read more
“I can’t believe we paid money for this.” They were two American tourists, and we were standing in the Nobel Peace Museum in Oslo. We were surrounded by stories of awe-inspiring individuals who had changed the course of history through their commitment to justice at whatever cost (and many paid a very high price for their convictions and activism), and apparently (for some) the experience wasn’t worth the $20 entry fee. Read more
You can read about it, see a documentary about it, make a donation to it, buy a cow at Christmas to put in it, but until you experience it, it is really hard to fully understand. Read more
Looking around Stockholm, there is much that appears very similar to Australia. There are reruns of bad American sitcoms on television in English, there are similar public transport systems, education systems and shopping centres, and if I see another poster or billboard of Beyonce advertising H&M I think I might rip it down myself.
But when you scratch the surface, there are some interesting cultural differences. Read more