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Solutions for 2020

We could begin this year thinking about all the challenges we face whether in the UK, Australia or any part of the world. But to list and re-list these again is akin to what might be called the ‘pornography of pain’. Alternatively, we can focus on solutions. We’ve pulled out five solutions from our blogs over the last few years, as a reminder that there is hope everywhere.

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SAIDs SEEDs SEIDs? It’s the last one!

After new measures released today show that 14 million people live below the poverty line in the UK, we’re opening a new project to add to the mosaic of initiatives trying to reverse this trend.

In 2016 after doing some work with the team at Caritas Westminster, they took us to visit a building. An old, run-down, disused school then social club in Wembly. Surrounded by a massive development project, the question was – sell it to developers or do something with it? Read more

Fractured bits of glass = cohesion

It’s an unlikely mix. A Jewish charity providing services to people with learning disabilities and autism, a psychologist who is also a mosaic artist, the Church of England’s Near Neighbours Project, the British Department of Communities and Local Government, The Dragonfly Collective and the London suburb Edgware (kind of like any suburb in Melbourne ‘at the end of the line’).

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