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Looking back, looking forward

This New Year we’ve been reflecting on the journey of The Dragonfly Collective and why we set it up. It was back in 2011 that we first sat in a café and came up with the idea. We were working in a large NGO in Australia, and we were frustrated and restless. We were passionate about creating a world where everyone had the same freedoms and opportunities as everyone else. We had an unquenched thirst for making a real impact. Read more

To conquer or collaborate?

Peru is a beautiful country. Old Spanish architecture sitting proudly overlooking perfectly manicured town squares. A gentle and welcoming local people, adorned with brightly coloured cloth, whose eyes are perpetually lined with the crinkles of a smile.

If it wasn’t for the old stone ruins sitting on the hillsides, and the ever present images of Machu Picchu in the shop fronts of bookstores and tour companies, it would be hard to imagine that this world was previously governed by the once proud and powerful Inca nation. Read more

Is marketing a dirty word?

Last week I launched a new marketing tool kit for the not-for-profit sector in partnership with the Australian Marketing Institute. I’ve spent the last two years working on it with a team of not-for-profit marketers, which has given me time to reflect on why so many not-for-profit organisations and social enterprises don’t appear to value marketing, when it offers such an important opportunity to increase social impact. Is it that they just haven’t had time to think about it? Or is marketing a dirty word? Read more