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Just do it?

One of the most popular tweets at the RMIT Global Shifts social enterprise conference in Melbourne last December was along the lines of “the best way to start a social enterprise is to just go and do it”.

There is a lot to be said for ‘just doing it’. Social entrepreneurs by nature are people who have a big idea, take a risk and don’t give up. But ‘just doing it’ without appropriate planning and strategy is a dangerous approach. Read more

Social innovation, thought police and debate killers

Once upon a time I considered blogs and online conversations to be an interesting way to communicate to all sorts of people and organisations about the issues we’re passionate about at The Dragonfly Collective – social justice, social change and innovation in all its forms. Good dialogue, different points of view, open conversation.

Recently I encountered a very different space. Read more

Social innovation and quiet achievers

We read quite a few blogs and discussions on various sites and have found that there is a vein of cynicism and criticism out there – especially amongst some well entrenched critics of everything to do with anything someone else is doing that does not fit with their narrow view of what social innovation, social enterprise, civil society, charity, social entrepreneurship – we could go on – might be.

Maybe it’s that December is here (‘tis the season to be . . . positive?), but at The Dragonfly Collective we are going to dedicate December and January to positive blogs about real-life practical examples of tangible innovation that the team at The Dragonfly Collective have been directly involved with. Examples that provide hope and opportunity, address evidence-based need in a new way and provide a solution to an ongoing social problem. Read more