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Everyone talks about it, but we can’t agree what it is

In the European Union and in the UK itself, despite austerity measures abounding, governments are providing serious money for ‘social innovation’. In Australia the concept is a catch all term used for change makers, social entrepreneurs, social enterprise and ‘doing good’.

It is the buzz-word (still) and looks like it will be for some time. However a number of us engaged in the Masters program in social innovation in Austria came to the realisation that there are literally more than fifty different definitions of social innovation in use by academics, policy makers, politicians, and practitioners. Read more

A cookbook that’s about more than food

In our travels we have been privileged to meet many wonderful people who are changing their world and the worlds of others in profound and effective ways. Marina Chang from University College London is one of them. Marina and her co-editor Lukas have created a different type of recipe book – the Food Junctions Cookbook – that identifies the intersections between food, politics, the environment, and health. Read more