The dying art of critical thinking?
When we set up the Dragonfly Collective, we were clear we wanted it to allow both ourselves and others to think differently, and to see the world from different perspectives. That’s partly where the name ‘dragonfly’ came from, and still guides our work today. Read more
Post Trump & Brexit: the communications challenge
The left is loosing.
We throw our hands in the air in despair and disbelief and ask why? How is it possible that when we ask the public what they want, they choose Trump and Brexit?
But they didn’t choose Trump and Brexit – they chose ‘not this’. Not more of what I have now, because it’s not working for me. They voted for change.
And that offer of change was sold using very simple stories, based on deep emotional truths.
Both the Trump and Brexit campaigns used very clever communication. Read more
Zombies and Brexit: how on earth did we end up here?
Today we woke up to a shocking new reality. The UK public has voted to leave the European Union. How was it ever within the realm of possibility that we would end up here? Read more
An interview with Collaborate sharing our experience with collaboration
Welcome to 2016! Here’s hoping it’s a year of challenge, imagination and transformation.
Some food for thought to get the year started – here’s an interview with Collaborate where we talk about the messy process of collaborating for change. It’s only by aligning our passions, ideas and resources that we’ll ever achieve the scale of change needed to really tackle inequality in all its forms.
We’d love to hear about your experiences with collaboration.
Interview with Collaborate.