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2017: the year for resilience

The curtain has closed on the post-truth year of 2016. A new window opens into 2017.

Given the political, economic and cultural earthquakes of 2016, the year ahead could look pretty terrifying and uncertain. We may feel anxious. We may have visions of moving to a remote island where we could block out the worry and anger about the increasingly unattractive western world.

But there is another option. Resilience. With a big dollop of hope. Read more

Post Trump & Brexit: the communications challenge

The left is loosing.

We throw our hands in the air in despair and disbelief and ask why? How is it possible that when we ask the public what they want, they choose Trump and Brexit?

But they didn’t choose Trump and Brexit – they chose ‘not this’. Not more of what I have now, because it’s not working for me. They voted for change.

And that offer of change was sold using very simple stories, based on deep emotional truths.

Both the Trump and Brexit campaigns used very clever communication. Read more

Fractured bits of glass = cohesion

It’s an unlikely mix. A Jewish charity providing services to people with learning disabilities and autism, a psychologist who is also a mosaic artist, the Church of England’s Near Neighbours Project, the British Department of Communities and Local Government, The Dragonfly Collective and the London suburb Edgware (kind of like any suburb in Melbourne ‘at the end of the line’).

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