What do you value and why?
What do you value about Easter?
And why do you value what you value? Read more
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What do you value about Easter?
And why do you value what you value? Read more
A few weeks ago we were in Vienna for the Masters, continuing to explore that trendy set of words ‘social innovation’. As part of the week long intensive we spent a day at the Microsoft office and at the end of the day we were given a tour. Read more
I was listening to a song the other day that got me thinking.
The Logical Song by Supertramp has some interesting historical lyrics (they were written way back in 1979 so that must make them historical – yet compellingly relevant still) . . . Read more
As 2013 draws to a close we have been thinking about measuring the achievements of the past year, inspired by the module on ‘measurement’ in the Masters in Social Innovation we’re working on in Austria. Read more
I can remember where I was on 22 November 1963. I remember my parent’s exclamation and animated conversation when they saw the headline on a newspaper stand saying that the US president, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, had been assassinated. Read more