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2017: the year for resilience

The curtain has closed on the post-truth year of 2016. A new window opens into 2017.

Given the political, economic and cultural earthquakes of 2016, the year ahead could look pretty terrifying and uncertain. We may feel anxious. We may have visions of moving to a remote island where we could block out the worry and anger about the increasingly unattractive western world.

But there is another option. Resilience. With a big dollop of hope. Read more

Einstein’s Hair – A Social Innovation?

No – more likely a social statement according to the most recent biography about Albert Einestein!

Most of us apparently remember Albert for his hair – or at least how eccentric he looked. And then we leave it at that. Certainly we are taught about Albert’ science – not his hair – during our school years. And we leave it at that – just another academic, clever type person. Yawn.

But apparently there was a little more going on with Albert’s hair.

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