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Seven years in Europe, four opportunities for the for-purpose sector

Arriving back in Melbourne just over a year ago was both a surprise and a relief. Unexpectedly we had abandoned a four week visit to eastern Europe and found ourselves on a flight back to Melbourne rather than a flight to Prague. Self-isolation for two weeks in Melbourne turned out to be nothing compared to what we would be living through if we had stayed in London.

So, after seven years in the Europe (based in London, when the UK was still part of Europe) and a year back in Australia, what have we learnt that can point to opportunities for the for-purpose sector in Australia (and the rest of the world)? Read more

What is good governance in the third sector? How we can do better

‘What will the sandwich fillings be?’.

It was an innocent question with good intent. The context however, was a Board meeting. The agenda item was the launch of a new facility. The Chair kindly suggested that perhaps staff might deal with this operational matter.

When the corporate world suffers from bad governance, the consequences are significant. Enron, Seimens, Thomas Cook, Carillion – just to name a few of the bigger failures.

But what about the third sector? How do we know what good or bad governance looks like?

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