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What’s the value of choice?

We were sitting in a café in Paris, just after moving to London. We were drinking champagne, and contemplating whether to buy macaroons, or chocolate (or probably both) to bring back to our London apartment. And a memory flooded back of sitting in another ‘café’ – a makeshift tent, high in the Andes in Peru with the faces of 20 porters looking curiously at us. Read more

Looking back, looking forward

This New Year we’ve been reflecting on the journey of The Dragonfly Collective and why we set it up. It was back in 2011 that we first sat in a café and came up with the idea. We were working in a large NGO in Australia, and we were frustrated and restless. We were passionate about creating a world where everyone had the same freedoms and opportunities as everyone else. We had an unquenched thirst for making a real impact. Read more