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An interview with Collaborate sharing our experience with collaboration

Welcome to 2016! Here’s hoping it’s a year of challenge, imagination and transformation.

Some food for thought to get the year started – here’s an interview with Collaborate where we talk about the messy process of collaborating for change. It’s only by aligning our passions, ideas and resources that we’ll ever achieve the scale of change needed to really tackle inequality in all its forms.

We’d love to hear about your experiences with collaboration.

Interview with Collaborate.


Disruptive Dragonfly Ed 05

Disruptive Dragonfly is a selection of articles, books, and websites from around the world offering insights and critical reflection that disrupt and engage for change. In this edition – Is there a new social enterprise industrial complex? Do you work in a toxic social justice organization? What the real issue with affordable housing? And a job opportunity in Tanzania, and some music that will stand by you. Read more