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For-purpose business models part four: balancing your model, and why collaboration is crucial

For-purpose business and social enterprise is catching on. Customers want it. Employees are excited about it. Investors are backing it. And the world needs it.

So what’s the next step in making for-purpose business simply ‘business as usual’? We have to go to the heart of strategy and understand business model design.

In this four part blog series, we unpack the what and how of for-purpose and social enterprise business models in our new internationally recognised For-Purpose Business Model Workbook.

In parts one to three of the series we explored your impact model, your customers and your products and services. In the final part in the series, we unpack why collaboration matters, and how to balance your model.  Get your copy of the workbook. Read more

For-purpose business models part three: who are your customers and what will you offer them?

For-purpose business and social enterprise is catching on. Customers want it. Employees are excited about it. Investors are backing it. And the world needs it.

So what’s the next step in making for-purpose business simply ‘business as usual’? We have to go to the heart of strategy and understand business model design.

In part one and two of this series we explored the need for for-purpose businesses and articulating your impact model via a strategic architecture. Part three covers your customers, what you’ll sell them and how to wrap it up in a value proposition. Get your copy of the workbook. Read more

For-purpose business models part two: creating your strategic architecture

For-purpose business and social enterprise is catching on. Customers want it. Employees are excited about it. Investors are backing it. And the world needs it.

So what’s the next step in making for-purpose business simply “business as usual”? We have to go to the heart of strategy and understand business model design.

In this four part blog series, we unpack the what and how of for-purpose and social enterprise business models, taking the lessons from our new internationally recognised for-purpose business model workbook. Read more