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Christmas wishes and our first nine months

The Dragonfly Collective officially opened our doors to the world on 1 March 2012 and celebrates nine months as a social venture as we approach Christmas and the New Year. We have been honoured to work with a number of people and organisations in the not-for-profit and social enterprise sector. These include United Way Melbourne, Green Collect, Social Traders, Westgate Community Initiatives Group, Baptcare, Centacare Ballarat and Whitley College (University of Melbourne).

We have collaborated with these agencies and local communities in a variety of ways: developing a strategy to address unmet community need in the south-east suburbs of Melbourne; conducting due diligence and assessment on applications to the Western Australian Government’s Social Enterprise Fund; providing strategic planning and business advice to several social enterprises; coordinating and teaching a tertiary level course on community development and community engagement; continued support and advocacy for the humane treatment of people seeking asylum in Australia; and, developing  the scope of and  business case for a $9 million social and affordable housing solution in regional Victoria.

We continue to think critically about the local and international context that surrounds our lives and activities with two questions in mind: why are things the way they are and whose interests does it serve?

Our focus continues to be on co-creating solutions and meaningful change for a more just world. Not just words but practical outcomes that have real social impact. We want to develop tools that others can use to assist in achieving this outcome for their local communities and customers. We want to engage with other thinkers seeking tangible solutions to entrenched social need. And we want to work with other change-agents to develop solutions to social challenges.

It’s been an exciting nine months, and we look forward to 2013 and new opportunities to co-create a more just world.

We wish you all the best for a very happy, safe and enjoyable festive season and a great start to the New Year!

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