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Seven Somethings

We have read, browsed and noticed many books on the seven best habits for all sorts of things – so here is a list of seven challenges for not for profit community service organisations. When these challenges are apparent in your organisation you need to think seriously about where it is heading and if it is the right place to be.

Alternatively if these challenges are visible in your organisation you may wish to challenge the status quo, imagine new ways of delivering your services and transform your organisation so these challenges are addressed and solutions found.

1. When the finance an audit committees ask for a review of time staff spent caring for clients.

2. When the budget process is finalised each year prior to the strategic plan being finalised each year.

3. When more than 60% of revenue comes from government contracts with compliance regimes that then shape the mission of the organisation.

4. When ‘commercial’ for-profit models are applied to the provision of projects like affordable housing (some times providing services to the most disadvantaged just won’t get you an internal rate of return of 8%!).

5. When the Board is more than 50% male and more than 50% lawyers and accountants.

6. When advocacy is compromised or extinguished because of fear of backlash from government or donors.

7. When purpose is defined by what ‘we are not’ rather than by ‘what we are’.

If you want seven more of something have a look at the article The Seven Habits of Spectacularly Unsuccessful Executives

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