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Disruptive Dragonfly

Disruptive Dragonfly is a selection of articles, videos, websites and ideas from around the world offering insights and critical reflection that disrupt and engage for change.


Disruptive Dragonfly Ed 06

In this edition social innovation blind spots, positive impact of the Millennium Development Goals, the future focus on justice and why the right has taken control – mutual obligation and more . . .

Disruptive Dragonfly Ed 05

In this edition – Is there a new social enterprise industrial complex? Do you work in a toxic social justice organization? What is the real issue with affordable housing? And a job opportunity in Tanzania, and some music that will stand by you.

Disruptive Dragonfly Edition 04

In this edition – how the community sector can avoid extinction, the role of different kinds of futures in inequality, are you a revolutionary or playing at social change and anarchists in the boardroom.


Disruptive Dragonfly Ed 03

In this edition – why mediocre bosses get hired, alternatives to neoliberal free markets, and what happens when wealth is transferred into the hands of the richest.


Disruptive Dragonfly Edition 02

Edition two includes thoughts on the re-birth of the commons. a challenge to social enterprises to be more disruptive and reasons why solidarity is our secret weapon in the struggle for a more equal society.


Disruptive Dragonfly Edition 01

Disruptive Dragonfly is a selection of articles, books and websites from around the world offering insights and critical reflection that disrupt and engage for change.