Beyond Mediocrity (transform)
We transform communities by working with others to co-create change for a more just world.
We believe (and have first-hand experience to back up the belief) that many organisations suffer from a disease that combines conformity with blandness to produce mediocre outcomes for clients and customers. Conformity and blandness also combine in several ways to produce indifference to visible and invisible poverty, social exclusion and injustice in a land of plenty.
Many organisational cultures appear to require acceptance of ‘the way things are done around here’, producing just enough for the organisation to crank out its business and remain financially sustainable.
Ordinary, adequate, neither outstanding nor terrible – these are enemies of transformational behaviour that can unleash collective energy and the power to co-create change for a more just world.
We want to encourage ‘thought leaders’ and spaces to incubate innovative thinking that critically cuts through the hum-drum of the ‘way we do things around here’.
Innovation requires open thinking and an open mind. It moves into new territory and requires rigorous evidenced-based analysis, modeling alternatives, co-design, vision and an openness to failure. It requires risk – mindful risk – and adventure.
We believe in adventure, risk-taking and critical thinking. We are passionate about challenging systems and practices that provide mediocre services and outcomes for customers and clients.
Transformation is ongoing, and creative. We are passionate about collaborating with organisations to transform communities, and perhaps even the organisations themselves.