What Matters (imagine)
With others, we imagine new solutions to existing community challenges where injustice exists.
We believe that a serious disease in Australian society and culture is conformity. Unconscious acceptance of the ways things are and how things are done.
We believe conformity and mediocrity are two parts of the ‘wicked problem’ that keep people from equity and access to life in all its fullness.
We believe that in Australia today injustice exists for many people because too many people conform and forget. Too many people are complacent. Too many people are afraid of stepping outside the boundaries.
We believe that organisations fossilize through conformist strategies that are not open to new ways of making life richer and more equitable for their clients and their employees.
We believe that every human being has the right to live with dignity and equality no matter what race, religion, political belief, sexual preference or gender. We believe that injustice is unacceptable, and that everyone has a role to play in creating a more just world.
We are passionate about co-creating change for a more just world. We are passionate about working collectively to make life rich and fair for everyone. We believe that it takes imagination to drive change. We believe that together we can imagine and create a better and more just world.