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Is neo-liberalism being dressed up as social innovation?

In a three part series published in social enterprise magazine Pioneers Post in the UK, we ask the question – why the sudden interest in social innovation?

Across the Western world the concept of social innovation is taking off. Governments are encouraging it, intermediaries are funding it, business is delivering it and there are awards to celebrate it. But before we applaud this new interest and support, we need to ask two important questions – why the sudden spotlight upon it, and in whose interests is it working?

Read part one here: Is Social Innovation Simply Dressed Up Neo-Liberalism?

In the second second part of our analysis, we reflect on whether social innovation has lost its way as ‘doing good’ increasingly becomes a concept governments and corporates alike want to latch on to.

Read part two here: Money or Meaning? What is Driving Social Innovation Today?

In the third part of our analysis, we look at the social innovation discourse. If anything can qualify, then the term and the idea looses its meaning.

Read part three here: Is Social Innovation in Need of Self Discovery?

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